Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So what is a business blogger wanting to ’sell’ to do?

Here's what ProBlogger.com has to say about that:
"If I were a business blogger (and I guess I am in a way - but that’s another discussion) I would spend more time actively engaging with and enhancing the lives of my readers (and potential readers) than selling to them."

Makes a lot of sense to me! Read more of this forward-thinking sales strategy here.


Omar Kettani said...

I think the definition of the term selling should be changed. We all perceive the negative aspect of selling, which is "convincing somebody to buy something from you so that you can make profits". If we change this perception to "helping somebody buy something from you so the he/she can make profits" then there is no negative aspect anymore. In this case selling and engaging will be the same thing. I am a business broker in Toronto, Canada. I consider myself more as a consultant helping people make the right decision when buying a business. If we use the old definition of selling, I don't consider myself selling businesses to people.

BlogPro said...

Hey Omar,

Great point. I always dreaded the idea of 'selling' but with BlogPro, I find that I feel like I have something to offer rather than something to sell.

Thanks for your comment,