Friday, April 25, 2008

BlogPro featured in La Gente Unida newsletter

La Gente Unida was kind enough to feature BlogPro in their most recent newsletter:

DENVER PRIDEFEST HAS A BLOG that provides updated information on PrideFest 2008, including news, announcements, history, commentary, interviews, photos, videos, and more. Updated Monday through Friday, the blog is where you can find everything you want to know about Pridefest. The blog includes an interview with longtime Chicano gay activist Donaciano Martinez who, as an elder, shares his recollections about the early days of Pride 1975-on. Produced by the nonprofit GLBT Community Center of Colorado, Denver’s PrideFest is recognized as one of the top ten GLBT Pride celebrations in the country, with over 210,000 people expected to attend this year. BlogPro, Colorado’s premier professional blog-content service provider, is the official blog service for this year's PrideFest event. The founder of BlogPro is Drew Wilson, a professional journalist and longtime ally of La Gente Unida. To access the blog, go to:

Today’s nonprofit organizations and successful companies know the importance of a blog, but many simply don’t have the time or the resources to devote to daily updates, and many do not have the writing skills and knowledge to create and maintain a successful, attractive blog. With customized blog content to meet every need, BlogPro takes care of all that so that busy managers and staff can take care of their business and their customers or clients. For more information, call (303) 934-4482.

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