Monday, June 30, 2008

Blog of the Week: MileHighGayGuy

It’s official – MileHighGayGuy is the hottest blog in town. In the past few months, Drew Wilson, Denver’s MileHighGayGuy, has appeared on “Studio 12” with Tamara Banks, on radio station KGNU – with a weekly segment in the works – and in the metro area’s largest biweekly newspaper.

In addition, he was the first official blogger for Denver PrideFest, one of the top ten Pride celebrations in the country, and has been named the Denver Gay Examiner for billionaire Philip Anschutz’s new online media venture,

Now, for the first time, you can advertise on, Denver’s premier gay-interest blog. Be one of the first to take advantage of this hot new way to reach Colorado’s gay community, the seventh largest in the nation.

Since blogs are updated daily, instead of weekly or monthly like standard print media, readers visit every day to check out the new content – and they will see your ad, with a direct link to your Web site, every single time.

So hook up with MileHighGayGuy and be a part of the hottest gay blog in Denver. Call or email to discuss rates or set up an appointment.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So what is a business blogger wanting to ’sell’ to do?

Here's what has to say about that:
"If I were a business blogger (and I guess I am in a way - but that’s another discussion) I would spend more time actively engaging with and enhancing the lives of my readers (and potential readers) than selling to them."

Makes a lot of sense to me! Read more of this forward-thinking sales strategy here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blog of the Week: Denver PrideFest Blog

Well, now that PrideFest 2008 has come and gone, the official PrideFest Blog has been put to bed. But it's still a great resource for PrideFest photos from years gone by and person-on-the-street news and views, as well as some interviews with local movers and shakers. And maybe we'll be back next year with the official PrideFest Blog for 2009!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oprah's Blog

Even Oprah's blogging! Here's her most recent:
"Week Four: Sunday
Day 21…yes, I want some wine. Bordeaux 82. Just one glass at sunset, almost broke down and had a glass. I didn't, mostly because of my commitment to fellow VCTers. Tomorrow, Scarlet…tomorrow is another day. That's my mantra for now."

Read the rest here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008's Summer Assignment

Looks like I've got my homework cut out for me this summer!

From's blog: "Summer is quickly approaching, but for entrepreneurs, that doesn't necessarily mean vacation is on the horizon. If you're trading in margaritas and summer novels for coffee and file folders, add SCORE's "Summer Finance Fix-up" to your to-do-list."

Read the rest here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to market in a poor economy (the answer is: BLOGS)


"I talk to several marketing executives per week and my favorite question to ask them is about how they are building sustainable lead generation machinery for their businesses to grow. In response, I typically receive a similar set of responses: trade shows, seminar series, telemarketing, email blasts to purchased lists, "pr" (press releases), and maybe some advertising. I call these techniques "outbound marketing." There are two things these outbound marketing programs have in common. First, they all cost of a lot of money. Second, they are all becoming less and less effective over time as people like you get better at better at blocking out these traditional forms of interruption and you turn to search engines, bloggers, and peers on social media sites to more effectively learn and shop."

Read the rest of the article here .

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blog of the Week: Mile High Buzz

In honor of me really needing a good cup of coffee this morning, this week's Blog of the Week is none other than Mile High Buzz, Denver's coffee blog.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I repeat: Your business needs a blog!

The Blog Squad explains, once again, why your business needs a blog!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Liveblogging Steve Jobs at WWDC 2008

I just live blogged an event for the first time yesterday on MileHighGayGuy (KGNU had a panel of local experts talking about Denver's GLBT past, present and future). I'm looking forward to doing it more often as live blogging seems to be an exciting and immediate way to spread information as it happens. I don't think I did too badly for a first effort but this right here is how it's really supposed to be done:

Live blog: Steve Jobs at WWDC 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

BlogPro's Banners for PrideFest

Just picked up the official BlogPro banners that will be hanging at PrideFest and they look amazing! I think they'll prove to be a great marketing tool, and, on a personal note, there's something really really cool about seeing your company logo and motto on an eight-foot-long banner. Very larger-than-life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blogging's good for your health

"Blogging can help you feel less isolated, more connected to a community and more satisfied with your friendships, both online and face-to-face, new research has found ..." according to Claudine Ryan for Discovery News. Read the rest here.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blog of the Week: Denver Gay Examiner

BlogPro's Drew Wilson is now the Denver Gay Examiner for is one of the fastest growing websites for local news and information. Serving 57 local markets, connects consumers with a premium blend of news and information from the best local sources.

As the Denver Gay Examiner, Wilson offers news, entertainment, and many other features specifically for Denver’s gay community. Read the latest news and information for Denver’s gay community at

In addition to his role as the Denver Gay Examiner, Wilson blogs as MileHighGayGuy at He is also the official blogger for Denver PrideFest 2008, one of the top ten Pride celebrations in the country. That blog can be seen at

Friday, June 6, 2008

Business blog writing can be frustrating for professionals

One more reason to have BlogPro write your blog!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Blog of the Week: Etalkinghead's Political Blog Directory

Check out Etalkinghead's Political Blog Directory, with more political blog links than you can shake a stick at. Not that you'd want to shake a stick at a political blog.

Listed on the blog are the following:
Conservative (148 listings)
Right-leaning and conservative blogs.

Group Blog (24 listings)
Blogs with more than one author and one opinion.

Humor (23 listings)
Funny ha-ha.

Independent (59 listings)
Blogs independent of ideology.

Liberal (152 listings)
Left-leaning and liberal blogs.

Libertarian (48 listings)
Blogs with a libertarian bent.

Moderate (31 listings)
Middle-of-the-road blogs.

News Only (12 listings)
Cousins of the Drudge Report.

Religious (16 listings)
Blogs dominated by the discussion of religion and its political implications.

The Political Blog Directory has a total of 513 listings.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 recruits local bloggers

From The Denver Business Journal:

William Randolph Hearst was a new-media pioneer before there was such a thing.

The inspiration for "Citizen Kane," Hearst began as owner of the San Francisco Examiner newspaper in 1887, the start of a nationwide empire that grew to more than two dozen dailies.

But Hearst soon branched out into what were then considered nontraditional media: magazines at first, and then radio, movie newsreels and, eventually, television.

If Hearst -- who died in 1951 -- were alive today, it would be easy to imagine him at the helm of an unconventional media venture that takes its name from his first newspaper.

After low-profile beginnings, -- a Denver-based national news-and-information website -- was relaunched April 14. The redesigned site now offers localized content from bloggers -- known as "examiners" -- chosen for their knowledge of various topics of interest.

Read the rest here .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Good business blogs need voice, focus and frequency

"The best business blogs have a voice, a focus on a topic and are frequently updated, said Jamie Hammond, editor in chief of AOL Money & Finance."

If your blog is lacking these three things, you'll never be able to attract the millions of online blog-reading readers and customers you want and need. Worse, a poorly written, unfocused, rarely updated blog can give those readers and potential customers the wrong impression about who you are and what you do. But maintaining a blog takes energy, time and talent. That's why I started BlogPro and why I think it's such a valuable service to the business community. Business owners have enough responsibilities to deal with on a day-to-day basis and it can be difficult to add more to your plate, even for something as important as a blog. When you get set up with a BlogPro blog, you know your blog is in the best hands possible. Written, researched, edited and maintained by professional writers and editors with years of media experience, BlogPro lets you focus on what you do best, running your business, while we do what we do best, blog.

Read the rest of the article here .

Monday, June 2, 2008

Blog of the Week: Ray Hill Studios

The Ray Hill Studios blog is an online portfolio for Denver, Colorado based furniture maker and carpenter, Ray Hill. He is inspired by the works of Eames and Herman Miller but ultimately, his vision and designs are uniquely his own.